Use "gave him her heart|give him her heart" in a sentence

1. Her heart gave a flutter when she saw him.

2. Her heart jolted when she saw him.

3. Li Yuan ... How her heart ached to see him now; to have him hold her and comfort her.

4. Her heart swelled as she turned to face him.

5. Her heart gave an unsteady lurch.

6. Her heart did a complete somersault when she saw him.

7. 8 She disclosed to him the state of her heart.

8. I gave her medications to relieve the strain on her heart.

9. She gave him her solemn word that she would give up drugs.

10. A leaden weight lay on her heart as she waved him goodbye.

11. We gave him mouth - to - mouth resuscitation and heart massage.

12. If you give him something else his heart desires.

13. She gave him her heartfelt thanks.

14. She felt her heart give an extra thud.

15. Her heart gave a little jump at his smile.

16. Ronni felt her heart roll over and die at the sight of him.

17. Her caustic remark gave him a foretaste of her anger.

18. 1 She felt her heart give a great throb.

19. 9 She felt her heart give a great throb.

20. She gave him her best winsome smile.

21. It wasn't a serious heart attack, but it gave him a terrible scare.

22. When next Fabia heard footsteps coming in her direction her heart again gave a nervous flutter.

23. Then, as she watched him, still hovering indecisively, she felt an odd compassion stir her heart.

24. Her heart was clattering inside her.

25. She gave him a sharp prod with her umbrella.

26. She went in to Solʹo·mon and spoke to him about everything that was close to her heart.

27. 21 Her memories sometimes pierced her heart.

28. Her heart was fluttering in her chest.

29. In her endeavor to reach Paca’s heart, Edita even gave way to tears.

30. Set her heart aflame

31. I gave him a loading dose of dig to lower his heart rate. right now.

32. Her heart throbbed violently.

33. Her heart was thumping against her ribs.

34. Her heart was pounding in her chest.

35. He was still alive as doctors massaged his heart and gave him a blood transfusion.

36. Gage’s heart hurt from missing him.

37. 3 It wasn't a serious heart attack,( but it gave him a terrible scare.

38. Much to his surprise she gave him her phone number.

39. When he blessed him, he accordingly said to him: ‘Is your heart upright with me, just as my own heart is with your heart?’

40. With that she quickly lowered her jar upon her hand and gave him a drink.

41. Her heart bounded with joy.

42. 16 Her heart was pounding in her chest.

43. Her kindness of heart endeared her to everyone.

44. She ran, her heart pounding in her chest .

45. She's bleeding into her pericardium, smothering her heart.

46. Pity stirred in her heart.

47. 19 Her heart raced uncontrollably.

48. Her tears melted his heart.

49. Her heart did a flip.

50. She felt her heart flip .

51. Remorse bites into her heart.

52. Loneliness ate at her heart.

53. She gave him a jab in the stomach with her elbow.

54. She slipped her arm under his and gave him a nudge.

55. Her heart muscle is toast.

56. “Everyone whose heart impelled him” and “everyone whose spirit incited him” made a voluntary offering, “each with a willing heart.”

57. She gave her letter to the postman with a heavy heart, wondering if she would ever see her sister again.

58. Her jewels were missing And her heart was bust

59. Her heart began to thump wildly in her chest.

60. Her heart cannot let her ignore the needs of her child.

61. I gave him a spell to make him immune from her Blandish - ments, having been warned by her other selfs behavior in Proton.

62. Her problem was a defective valve in her heart.

63. Just wanna get the infection out of her heart before we get the heart out of her.

64. She laughingly gave him a tap with the toe of her shoe.

65. When Cosette went out with him, she leaned on his arm, proud and happy, in the plenitude of her heart.

66. Ruth looked, feeling her heart thump.

67. Sorrow is gnawing at her heart.

68. All the teardrops in her heart

69. Love reigned supreme in her heart.

70. Nessie rose up, her heart fluttering.

71. Ruth crept closer, her heart racing.

72. Her heart was flowing with happiness.

73. Her heart was pounding with excitement.

74. There are teardrops in her heart

75. Her heart was filled with gratitude.

76. The excitement made her heart thump.

77. Her trusting smile melted his heart.

78. The bullet narrowly missed her heart.

79. A Letter That Touched Her Heart

80. Love ruled supreme in her heart.